

New York, 04/12/03

Oslo, 19/05/03

Portugal, 10-11/05/02

Findhorn, 29/01/02

Manchester, 9/11/01

San Francisco, 19/10/01

San Francisco, 18/10/01

Minneapolis, 13/10/01

Halden, 13/07/01

Findhorn, June 2001

Maidstone, 13/04/01

Hollywood, 05/04/01

Minneapolis, 28/03/01 (2/2)

Minneapolis, 28/03/01 (1/2)

Washington, 20/03/01

Oslo, 30/11/00 (1/2)

Oslo, 30/11/00 (2/2)

Copenhangen, 29/11/00

Frankfurt, 23/11/00

Amsterdam, 22/11/00

Cologne, 21/11/00

Rees, 20/11/00

Munich, 13/11/00

Madrid, 06/11/00

Manchester, 27/10/00

Sheffield, 26/10/00

Liverpool, 19/10/00

Wolverhampton, 17/10/00


Anticipation in my bones.The London gigs were so beautiful I could not wait
for them to start playing,so I went to the venue about one hour before the 
doors would open.My girlfriend joined me soon afterwards and went for a hot 
cup of cofee,since there was almost no one around.We returned to the place 
and find no one yet,so we decided to be the first in line to get inside.It 
was freezing cold.20 minutes before scheduled the doors opened,and we rushed 

For a long time it seemed like very few people were interested in the 
gig,for  there were only about 10 or 15 souls with us.We took a place in the 
front row,me standing right in front of Mike`s microphone.The venue has 
capacity for 15 hundred people.By the time Adam Snyder got on stage we were 
not more than 30.My girlfriend says Adam is a brave man.I can only agree 
with her;I like Adam`s set more than I did in London,but I can`t relate to 
his music.Still,I find myself singing his songs,and clapping enthusiasticly.
What we could call the audience is quite warm,and Adam tries 
hard to speak some Spanish.We all cheer him as he finishes his set.That 
instrumental version of "A pagan place" sets the mood for what is going to 
come.No longer than 5 minutes before the opening "Night falls on London" I 
turn around and the place is absolutely packed.An ant should struggle its 
way in.I see a lady in her sixties in the front rows,and a young man in a 
wheelchair.One the roadies comes to ask us in the front rows to cut down our 
smoking during the set,for the smoke really upsets the band.Then comes 
"Night falls on London",and everyone starts clapping and cheering.

The band appears on stage and there goes a wonderful rendition of "Let it 
happen".Mike performs his defiant act before he starts playing.The four 
Waterboys and the Watergirl are dressed in black;Mike is wearing a silk 
shirt with red roses on it,crocodile black shoes and bell shaped 
trousers.LIH is over and the crowd roars.Mike says is happy to "play here 
after so many,many years" and "The charlatan`s lament" kicks in.It looks 
like they are having a good time playing;this time he encounters a 
"loathsome hag" who has"leagues and leagues and leagues to go".It sounds 
magnificent;it has become a personal favourite of mine,both in record and 
live versions.Mike smiles at me as he sings this song.I am singing my heart 
out already by then.Then it`s time for that brilliant rock rendition of 
"Strange boat".The place is about to fall apart,since we are living in 
"strange,strange times".And "We are Jonah" sounds passionate,filling the air 
with the esence of beauty.Mike looks at the old lady several times as he 
sings.Then it`s time for "All the things she gave me",and no one seems to be 
able to stand still.I love it.At one point Mike introduces the band 
members:first John Baggott,then Richard Naiff,Jo Wadeson(who gets such an 
ovation she has to take a bow twice,and asks the crowd to let it go)and the 
Long Tall Tom Windriff,who"is not so good looking but has his moments"."Is 
she conscious?" is dedicated to Pocahontas and Madonna and sounds like a 
challenging prayer."Glastonbury song" is a proof of excellence.I almost have 
a heart attack.When Mike Scott asks wether we know about Jerry Springer in 
Spain he is surprised to find out otherwise,and dedicates a song to the 
soccer players Roberto Carlos and Steve MacManaman,for they are "Dumbing 
down the world".In hell they lifted up their eyes.And we raise our 

"The return of Pan" is a challenge for the audience.Who could not 
sing along?But then it subtlely becomes "The Pan within",and the building 
dances to it.It`s the whole world that dances to it.Haven`t you heard?It`s 
the whole world.The accoustic set begins:"When you go away" and "Fisherman`s 
blues" sound almost heavenly,with the crowd singing that "la,la,la,la,la"bit 
so loud Mike leaves us alone with it.Mr.Naiff plays so impressively as to 
get me wondering wether he is possessed by the angels or the demons.The 
others come back for the powerful"My love is my rock in the weary land" and 
we all cry out loud.It`s an emotional moment for me.At one point I shout 
"Hallelujah!" and close my eyes."Savage Earth Heart" is so fierce I can`t 
take my eyes off Mike`s guitar,but in the end I miss "Satisfaction".Then 
it`s good night but not quite over yet.Roddy Lorimer`s trumpet makes way for 
the band`s return and they play a storming version of "Don`t bang the 
drum".My soul is somewhere flying with "a power flowing through",and the 
audience`s in ecstasy.Then Mike announces a song that "goes something like 
this" and it goes something like "The whole of the moon",wich is rendered 
beautifully,and cheered and sung and cried by the audience.It`s not five 
musicians that take a bow but a band of five,and they all look tired but 
happy when we all shout that "oč,oč,oč,oč,"wich is comically danced to by 
Mike.They go at last,and I`m ready to go to Barcelona,but first I get one 
the guitar nails(?) used by Mike and have a chance to look at Richard 
Naiff`s set list.I find out they were suppossed to play "Crown"right 
before "My love is my rock",although they did not.I feel "clear as a bell" 
and "red as a carroussel" when I realise "Be my enemy","The wind in the 
wires" and "Bring`em all in" haven`t been played either.Still it`s been 
a great show.Just before I step out of the venue I remember I haven`t seen 
Mike`s socks.Sorry for our American beauties.Maybe in Barcelona.But that 
would be the next day,and I had to get on the bus first,so my girlfriend 
and I rush out to get to the station.And that story will be told at a 
different time.